・4K RGBカメラはチャット用カメラとして使えないんだろうか。

→ UVC化について公式FAQに書かれていた。
FAQs & How-To — DepthAI documentation | Luxonis

How to run OAK-D as video device

Luxonis devices do not appear as standard cameras. To run them as a video device,
consider running them as UVC (USB Video Class). To run UVC directly (still needing
the depthai library, but just for initialization), inside a clone of dephtai-python repo, run:

git fetch --all
git checkout origin/gen2_uvc
python3 examples/install_requirements.py
python3 examples/19_uvc_video.py

Keep the script open. It’s needed to periodically feed the device watchdog (would reset the device on close). And then open some UVC viewer. It should work
all good on Linux. On macOS, it needs a workaround (having some app looking for devices and opening the stream quickly after the depthai pipeline is started),
while on Windows, it doesn’t work yet.



PS C:\***> python .\19_uvc_video.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\***\19_uvc_video.py", line 28, in <module>
with dai.Device(pipeline) as device:
RuntimeError: Failed to connect to device, error message: X_LINK_COMMUNICATION_NOT_OPEN

